How to Get Your New Insurance Website Indexed In Google FAST

May 23, 2016 . 1 minute read | Posted by Aaron seo

You've got a great new insurance website! Congratulations - it looks fantastic. Now, you just need to get people to it. It's harder than it sounds. Fortunately, search engines are here to help. While optimizing your site for search engines is an ongoing process, you can still get your sites added to their index right away.

Google does a good job of discovering new sites... eventually. We've found there are a few things that can help speed up the process. So we put the steps together in a newly released checklist.

This checklist will help you get your new site in Google's index as fast as possible. And even if your site is already launched and indexed, some of the steps will improve the accuracty and frequency in which your site is crawled. So take a few minutes to go through the checklist now.

Go to the checklist now.